Taking the first symptom, I would go for a dirty carb. They are very sensitive to contamination in the jets etc.
There are some fake plugs around.
When a plug like a Denso gets contaminated it sparks up the inside and won't fire under compression.
I've tried cleaning them and they never last long once they've thrown a hissy fit.
Check for a cracked tank pickup pipe or no vent on the fuel tank catch tank.
Check for the red gasket in the white coil plug, this can cause a misfire.
Check for good earths on the coil.
Check the battery as they can read ok but have an intermittent connection internally under vibration.
Crank position sensors rarely fail and I have never had a loom fault in 13 years of Rotax.
Second symptom of not starting at all could be a flooded crankcase.
If you have removed the carb top, did you put the slide back min the correct way around? It could be on full throttle and it will never start.
A poor fuel pump can cause problems too.
Never store a Rotax kart on its end with fuel in the tank as it will syphon into the crankcase and exhaust.