Seems quite a few misunderstandings, Shenington never charges for overnights (except at S1 where the £5 is much less than most others at S1). Regarding the so called profit, this is a club owned circuit run by volunteers and all surplus is put back in to the facilities or used to run the place, plus saving for the next time we need to re-surface. For instance in 2015 - 4 new showers, digiboard, large results board, new mower, new Clerk's office and much more. We have put out this statement about the pit spaces to hopefully clear things up. Shenington KRC would like to clarify their pit space policy and apologise for any misunderstanding. There is always plenty of space for pitting at Shenington but please do not park in pit spaces that are marked on the notice boards (at the start of each pit area) as booked out annually or on an event basis, or on any that have a reserved sign. We shall have a few Reserved spaces each meeting in the A and C areas, ready for sale. Reserved pit spaces are available at £100 for the year, or for £20 for a single weekend and we think that is in line with most other clubs. We are not reserving all numbered pit spaces so if you park up in a place that is not marked on the board as booked out, or not having a Reserved sign, we shall not be charging. There is plenty free space at the top of A Pits and the bottom end of the C Pits or down by the Wilkins hairpin and certainly there is no need to book if you just want to come for a practice day. It was true there was some grass areas roped off at the January meeting due to the exceptionally wet weather. If you want to be sure of having a space then please contact Sue Whitehouse on 01926 496 694 / 07767 848 055 or
All welcome to add their views at our AGM, date tba May. All members will receive an invite and agenda with the 2015 annual accounts in the post.