You do know since the cane was stopped general behaviour in schools has fallen to a pretty low level......It took time but i think were at a level in state schools where behaviour and respect for the teacher is pretty shocking.
Since body work was introduced standards in karting have fallen....It took time but it think the standard of driving is now at a level thats pretty shocking.
Take away the deterrent and look what happens. If your a bad enough parent not to explain to you cadet son/daughter that they should not put their hands near the chain then you shouldn't have children and certainly shouldn't take them karting, stick to Playstation its much safer! Kids are intelligent if you explain to them the scenario of putting ones hand in the chain or on the hot exhaust they do tend to listen :-) If they don't they will certainly listen once it nips their skin.
Cadet racing is probably the cleanest racing out there. If they can drive a kart they can keep their hands away from a moving chain!
You have just shown me why this isn't a karting problem its a society problem. Wheres ITPRO when you need him. his generation don't go crying to the council when they fall down a pot hole. They actually look and don't fall down the pot hole in the first place :-)
Watch out for them pot holes old chap ;-)