This has puzzled me for a while.
Im a national A licence holder. Have been for around 6 years. Why do i get charged more for a National A than a National B.
To obtain a national A you have to get signatures at other tracks. So in a way iv supported other clubs, and shown i want to commit to karting a little bit more. Im obviously a little bit keen on the sport.
Why then for potentially bettering my skills (if I'm not classed as a better driver than a national B driver whats the point in having it!?) being a bit more loyal, and helping raise the standards. Why am i then charged more?
Logic would suggest it should at least be the same price. The cost of printing is the same? theres no extra admin involved.
Theres got be some added value..... yes you can enter S1... but there needs to be a little bit more than that. as if I'm honest Nat A and Nat B driving standards are identical.
Wouldn't it be great if as you raced your results gave you points.your points kept adding up and when you reached say 500 points you get a Nat A * then at 1000 Nat A ** then 2000 Nat A *** people love instant gratification and a goal or aim. I'm not saying you get a new licence every time just something to maybe encourage people to do that extra race this year so they have a NAT A *** license next year.
Its bit like how computer games do it to keep your interest.