You are new to karting and that says more about your views on this than you imagine!
You CAN use 'out of date' kit in a non MSA races...... if you can find other people who are WILLING to race against you.
The MSA change the rules because SOCIETY changes the rules about 'health and safety' and if you have not encountered this in you chosen 'work' then you have been VERY lucky.
The MSA also sometime chnage classes becasue the existing classes were getting out of hand. The FA class being a good example here. The cost of running them had gone BALISTIC and the 'concept' of KF1 looked cheaper....... however, that now seems EQUALLY ludicrous! Yes.... they DO make mistakes but on MANY occasions, for the right reasons! The same applies to 'National' class, the costs were just BARMY by the time they changed the rules! More accurately, the class DIED becasue it got too expensive to run.
Most of the 'out of date' stuff is about F*A*S*H*I*O*N! A chassis that was BRILLIANT (brand new) in 2005 will STILL be BRILLIANT today...... if you can FIND a new one! Chassis have only improved FRACTIONALLY since Techno designed and built the first of our current 'coke bottle, tube' chassis WAY back in the 1960s!
Now you are starting to look at costs the trick is SIMPLE! keep your expenditure to things that MATTER and actually make you FASTER! Stop wasting money on the other CR*P! You do NOT need:-
* a Painted helmet * Sticker kits * the 'latest' suit * boy-racer fashion-boots * This week's CHASSIS * a motorhome * a flash awning * the latest 'brakes' * Iridium visors * Helmet spoilers * laser tracking gauges * laser chain alignment tools * etc. * etc.
Next, choose a class where there is LESS money being spent to WIN! How can you tell which? Easy..... go to races and look at the 'pit bays' and compare the COST of the items WITHIN that pit bay for each of the 'classes'. For example, you'll find more £50,000 motorhomes in Comer Cadet than in Honda Cadet, you'll find more in Rotax pits than in TKM pits..... etc...
Use common sense and karting CAN be affordable..... unless you want to win the British/World Championship of course.......