As a (bemused) foreigner, I witness this call for ‘UK’ independence with a good deal of incredulity – as President Obama clearly does.
To begin with, the name ‘UKIP’ itself: would 'EIP' (English Independence Party) not be a more honest and accurate description? As things stand, Scotland will probably vote to remain in the UK next year. But do you really think the Scots would happily follow the English out of the European Union?
The population of the EU (as is now) currently accounts for only about 7% of the global total. This proportion is forecast to drop to just 4% (!) within a handful of decades. How miniscule and insignificant will Little England on its own be then? And don’t have any illusions about somehow (and rather pathetically) clinging to North America instead: you will most certainly not be regarded as ‘special’ there. The attractiveness of Big Ben and Buckingham Palace to American tourists is no basis for a ‘special relationship’.
It’s your call, of course: vote UKIP (EIP) – or a Conservative Party that has morphed into the same ¬– into government, leave the EU, have foreigners like me ejected (not a problem), have the hundreds of thousands of English people living and working in EU countries now repatriated and live happily ever after …or maybe not. It looks extremely short-sighted and like utter folly to me.