Dynamax - with regard to the claim for underpaid tax, it might be worth reading the article here:-
Your employer should have sent end-of-year returns to HMRC showing gross pay, ni deductions and paye deductions and tax code used. If he failed to do this then HMRC should have been investigating the late returns. If he did submit these then you could argue that HMRC should have spotted the errors earlier and exempt you from repayment.
The reclaim of the pension overpayment is probably justified but may depend on when the death certificate was sent to DWP. If the overpayment was made before receipt then the money should be repaid but if paid afterwards you can argue that it was the fault of DWP. As ir happened so recently, is the money still in the account?
Your Dad's war record really has nothing to do with the rules on pension payments made after a death.
As for fuel costs, all politicasl parties like fuel taxes because they can try and justify them on environmental grounds. The one thing they really dislike is increasing direct tax rates as they think (perhaps correctly) that more voters would spot that increase rather than the real imapct of increased indirect taxes. Even council tax rises are blamed on local councils whereas often it is reductions in government grants that cause the pressures.