'I am not aware of ANY GHOULS who go to watch the deaths on K2..... and that IS the difference!'
Ahhhh so you'd be quite happy for the TT to continue as long as no spectators were allowed to go and watch it!? Thats pretty strange logic. I enjoy many sports where the risk of injury to the competitors are large, that does not make me insane or even unique.
It is human nature to push the limits and to enjoy speed and risk. The world would be a much more boring place if this was not true. You have sod all right to tell me what I can and cant do with my life Ian, and that goes for TT riders, and all other things that you disagree with. If I wish to go and jump out or a plane without a parachute for instance (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mXQ1qEh9ar8) then that is my choice. Just because you would not enjoy that, or do not have the b***s to do that, does not give you the right to tell me I cannot do that.
The only theme to this thread seems to be that your opinion is WRONG, but as always you are far too blind to see that!