I hate to disagree Newshound but learning to code properly in html takes a long time to learn. Yes you can knock something basic up but it wont conform to w3c or css standards (or accessibility standards which are a must now) and you need to make sure the site works/looks the same across all browsers. Tmoon, your best bet is to get someone to knock you up a site using an open source cms such as Joomla (for which there are plenty of components which will give you a nice online catalogue of your stock) and to update/change anything on your site you need know nothing more than how to use something like word (as long as an editor like CKeditor or TinyMCE is used) and you wont need to know how to code or even need ftp access. I run a Web design/development and online marketing company so if you want some advice or even if you want me to knock something up for you feel free to email me stuartmansell(at)msn.com Advice is free and if you want me to do anything for you I'm cheap (only for karters) I also have my own web server so can host it for you too. For commercial use weebly or anything like that really isnt the way, you need to do well in organic search engine results and only a properly built website will do that. As an example of the kind of things you can do with open source software (I built it as an experiment as one of my customers wanted something similar and i needed to make sure it would do what they wanted) is www.kartsuperstore.co.uk