We all know that placing bike vids on here will invoke passionate debate. Why do we do it. Its only going to end up in an argument.
Someone who has no interest in motor racing or bike racing will look at those who race as idiots and will have no appreciation of the skill to make a kart, F1 car or a Bike go through a bend on the limit, lap after lap after lap. They probably dont see it as being ballsy or taking a lot of brain power to go fast on two or 4 wheels, just stupidity and a lack of care about your own safety.
In the same way, someone like ITPRO, who is passionate about karts and cars, but dislikes bikes with a passion, cannot understand why any person with a modicum of a brain would want to ride/race a motorbike because they could get hurt or killed. But lets not forget, people do get hurt racing cars, they can be killed in freak accidents, lets face it when you are having a bad day anything can happen. But its that thrill that makes us want to do it, regardless of the risk.
Every single motorcyclist who gets on a bike accepts it might not be his fault, but he could have a bad day because of someone else. If he cant see that then he is stupid, the same as thinking put on a yellow jacket and the car driver will see me, oh really.
Putting all that aside though, surely everyone on here can appreciate the skill of a racer, regardless of what class he is racing in. That skill is in making his vehicle go through the bend as quick as possible and then do it again and again surrounded by like minded people.
I would suggest that anyone who races has both brains and balls. Its not balls that gets you round the corner, its a belief in your own talent. I think it takes balls to find the limit of your talent, brains to realise your at that point and stupidity to push beyond that point. Luck may save you for a little while, but only for a little while.
I watched a video last week in which a young guy had filmed himself on his motorbike. He had big balls, talent, but no brains and relied on luck everyday, but eventually killed himself. The really sad thing is his mother knew it was coming and she couldn't stop him.