last year i was looking at doing mech eng, untill i was put off slightly on the course from open days. i have now changed my choice to civil and structural. one thing which put me off was the large manufacturing base of the degree, which wasnt what i was into. also, looking at the projects at uni looked very tedious! ie, making a small robot to follow a line around a room. i applied at sheffield uni for a degree which was civil engineering with a foundation degree, 5yr Meng. they turned me down for this as the course only applies to those that havnt taken maths or physics at A level. so in that sense you do not need physics. i struggle with physicsd, in unit 1, i got an E with one teacher, so i taught myself it, and got a D, now im resitting it for the 3rd time with another teacher, and im getting As in it! Unit 2 is likely to be alot easier for you aswell, as it it mainly mechanics, which if you're a maths student anyway isnt that bad, so dont give up and good luck!