Global warming is not due to any man-made activity.
Global warnming is due to the fact that we are orbiting closer to the sun at the moment due to the periodic eccentricity of the earth's orbit.
The last time we were this close to the sun was 100,000 years ago, no-one was taking notes.
The greenhouse gas argument is based on the fact that glacier ice from the last half million years ago shows more Co2 during the warm periods and less CO2 during the cold periods, but no-one knows whether its teh temperature that affects teh gas or teh gas that affects the temperature.
The problem at the moment is the rise in temperature is much faster than scientists think the temperature has risen before, and there is more CO2 in the atmosphere as a result of industry.
At the same time there is a lot more dust pollution in the atmosphere, which causes a problem called global dimming ( the dust stops sunlight getting to the surface) so it's colder. Some models show that the diversion of the monsoons in India is more likely due to the effects of global dimming than warming.
The diversion of the monsoon has consequences for the rest of the world's weather in the same way that El Nino and El Nina do.