" If Santa ever DID deliver presents on Christmas Eve, he’s dead now. "
Santa is an anthropomorphological manifestation and as such is able to use tachyonic pair time lapse travel.
Scientists have proven that the transit time between tachyonic pairs is zero.
All Santa does is carry the appropriate 385 million primary tachyons and travel to the pair, as it is passing the appropriate rooftop.
Secondly, Rudolf's glowing nose is actually a small black hole. In returning to the primary tachyon, Santa passes close to the black hole and uses the dilation effect to travel back in time, so effectively the time spent at each house is close to zero.
Siting a black hole at a fixed location has very profound effects on the earth, and Santa needs to pass close to it but through it. He therefore uses a sleigh so that he can align it with the paired tachyon, and return approriate close each time but land back in the seat. Thus the BH is sited just beyond Rudolf's real nose and is allowed to wander. The sleigh constantly 'falls' into the gravity well of the BH, at a speed equal to the wander speed. Thus the sleigh appears to fly.
The Reindeer have an exceptional sense of location (could you find your way round a 15,000 mile migration route without a map and still arrive at the same place at the same time every year?) and their job is simply to align the sleigh for tachyon travel.
Now, because Santa is using quantum particle science and is in constant motion, he cannot be seen. (Particles can move or be observed, not both at the same time). Particles are detected by scientists by observing the effects of where they have been, not the particle itself. We can tell where Santa has been by the trail of presents.
So you see, there's a perfectly rational explanation, which proves that Santa can exist, and presents to show that he does! All the rest (size, shape, colour etc) is due to wishful thinking and advertising. (The current Santa image, big, jolly, white beard, etc was invented by Coca Cola [FACT as itpro might say]).
Happy Christmas to you all.
PS. Using tachyonic time lapse travel takes one outside the track even more than using the kerbs...the 2011 Blue Book says so.