'PROVE a SINGLE thing you have said (i.e., give us some EVIDENCE of what you claim). Show us EXACTLY how you calculated the cost of the CO2 produced by the Prius!'
Never said I calculated anything, I said a Prius would 'probably' have 10 times the co2 footprint that a normal hatchback does. For instance my girlfriend has a Polo Bluemotion that will do 65mpg easily wheras the Prius will do around the same or less than that whilst still producing the same emissions, and thats without even starting on the co2 needed to produce and destroy the Nickel batteries, and to ship the bleedin thing accross the world to us in the first place.
'A REALISTIC solution would be for each of us to 'drop' a car 'model' (e.g., me from the Subaru to Diesel Turbo Golf, a FIAt owner to a BMW 335, a Golf owner to a Polo, etc.)'
Ha! Thats laughable, firstly it's clearly not a 'realistic' solution if the person who has just suggested it hasn't dropped a car model himself, and secondly how exactly is that a 'solution'? You think if everyone drops 10 g/km the world'll be saved from global warming?
We need to look for ways to reduce our dependency on oil, theres PROOF that says that we do not have a limitless supply of the stuff, so why are we not concentrating on THAT, rather than chasing after some dream that we can save the planet by car sharing?