Ian, there's no need to get insolent about this, its only a discussion. Let's both discuss it like adults and let's stay friends.
You [and many others] have put forward a hypothesis saying that the very existance of the human race on this earth is under impending, immediate threat because of global warming and that this is definitively caused by human behaviour. You guys can back it up with plenty of studies which have peer reviewed. That's absolutely fine and I respect you for that.
My problem is that you're now compelling me [and everybody else] to act on that hypothesis when
a] I'm not convinced that the climate changes will turn out to be what these hypotheses project because there is an insufficient understanding about how to plot and predict the climate system.
b] Even if I were convinced that the projected changes were accurate, I am not convinced that there is sufficient understanding of the effect of the proposed actions.
c] Even if I were convinced that there was sufficient clarity on these effects, I'm not convinced that the proposed actions are the best way to solve them problem.
The reason I mentioned the bible is because down through the ages, a body of powerful and 'learned' people used this evidence to compel less learned people to behave in a certain way. Today we ridicule the idea that people chastised others for questioning or doubting this belief but that did happen and the consequences were draconian for those people. This happened because the understanding wasn't full and the missing bits were extrapolated.