' I ALSO stressed the point that I DO not condemn people for being able to RECOGNISE right and wrong even if they do it THEMSELVES!
Damn it, I a NOT a christian but even **I** know that only ONE person on this planet was supposed to be PERFECT ..... and I DO NOT CLAIM THAT IT'S **M*E**! '
You may not claim that you are perfect, but lets have a look at some of your previous quotes on the subject shall we; 'speed kills' 'speed/speeding/fast/too fast/ compares with drink/drink-driving/off-your-face' 'some total C*** K*I*L*L*E*D her' 'speeding, firing a shotgun in Tesco and drink driving are IDENTICAL' 'C*** of a driver'
Now please explain to me how a person that says such EXTREME things about people that speed (and please remember that is just a small slice of your quotes) can then even pretend to take the HIGHER stance on the matter, even when he WILL NOT CONFIRM that he himself does not speed?
It's like a murderer walking about condeming and shouting/screaming about other murderers, but won't admit to ever killing someone himself. But it's all ok because he claims that he has never claimed to be perfect, and he realises right from wrong, even though he does wrong from time to time.
Ian you go on and on and on about both Global Warming AND Speeding, and yet if my memory serves me correctly you own a SUBURA and a CATERHAM!
Once again i'll quote from yourself, 'If you WANT to mention Hypocisy..... look in your OWN direction!'