Hi Ian 1) When have I EVER said that I NEVER speed? Ah, so there we have it, an admission that on occasions you DO speed, I wonder how you will justify that given your often and frequently long lectures on the danger of exceeding the speed limits on here. Seems to me a classic case of "Don't do as I do..."
2) ..state PUBLICLY that I DO speed..... something in a public palce for which there are civil proceedings available to the police.... As you are so fond of asking others on here, whilst you may admit it, and this may be public forum, surely the Police would require EVIDENCE to bring a successful prosection against you would they not, after all what would they charge you with, exceeding a speed limit by an unknown margin at sometime and place also unknown?
3) Do you think the Police LIKE my constant pressure on them to enforce the speeding laws when they would FAR rather be doing OTHER things? Almost certainly not, but fair do's, it at least gets them out of the station on occasions ;-)
4) On that basis, do you think that the Police wouldn't WANT to have the huge 'joke' of catching ME outside my OWN House, speeding....? Again almost certainly, I should think you'd be the number one scalp on their radar :-)
5) On THAT basis..... do you think I would TRUST the police if they told me the speed trap was going to be on a Wednesday NOT to turn up on the Tuesday, preceeding it......? Tut-tut, are you questioning the honesty of our Police forces?
"I want NO SPECIAL TREATMENT! If I get caught, I will DESERVE it.... no arguments!" Good, he who lives by the sword etc.
See you soon :-)