If you just want hosting for a personal site - say about your karting results, then a free website provided by your internet provider may be OK. One drawback is that it will not use a domain name you have bought although you could point your own domain name to the site. The other drawback is that your internet provider will be able to link advertising to your site - not necessarily intrusive but outside your control. If you are looking at web sites for business purposes then you will need to buy a hosting package and which one will depend on how much space/traffic you need. In the UK 1&1 are pretty good and they have a range of packages - you can start with the smallest and upgrade as you need more space. Hosting packages in the USA can be cheaper and just as easy to use in terms of support. In fact when i have needed to call 1&1 I have generally found it quite difficult with very crackly phone lines and strong Indian accents. www.hostica.com and www.hostgator.com are good hosting sites.