You still haven't answered the question. Can reducing our current carbon output by 50% compensate for the additional carbon produced by an increasing world population, yes or no ? If you don't want to answer it, just let me know. Its a fairly simple mathematical test, so it can't be incorrect.
What it demonstrates is that IF humans are the cause of climate change THEN its impossible to reduce or elimate that cause if there are more humans being added to the earth's population... unless of course, the new humans promise they will never create any carbon output ever, ever, ever !
[Ian]>> " There is PLENTY of evidence that the INCREASE in number of hurricanes IS caused by higher GLOBAL TEMERATURES! The RATE and FEROCITY of hurricanes is SIMPLY demonstarted as being DIRECTLY linked to the ocean temperatures. Those are a FUNCTION of global warming!
For god's SAKE, what more EVIDENCE DO YOU NEED??? "
We will never get any further with this Ian... because it keeps coming back to the same thing. The evidence I need is 'proof' that human activity is the EXCLUSIVE cause of THE climate change that's precipitating these 'natural' occurences. Without that, it can be put down to other things, such as La Nina
As I said previously, I'm not doubting the existence of climate change as the climate's always been changing and always will be. Man's adaptability to these changes is what we really need to be talking about. We've made great steps forward in adapting to some natural phenomena such as earthquakes, hurricanes etc... but we still have a long way to go. New Orleans and Tewkesbury were built in the wrong place and were a problem waiting to happen. It was only a matter of time. So instead of abandoning them and moving to somewhere more suitable... we want to go back there and rebuild them so we can have it happen all over again ! Not only that but planning authorities are still zoning land for development in flood plains. Neanderthal man was smart enough not to live in flood plains... but we're not.
Meanwhile we're all busy staring up our own r-soles believing all we need to do is change a few light bulbs and paint our F1 tyres green and we'll be fine.
Cutting carbon output because fossil fuels are about to run out or because it helps us breathe better in cities makes sense. Cutting carbon output to effect climate change is so insane that I cannot believe intelligent people are discussing it, let alone advocating it.
It'll become clear in a few years time how stupid all of this has been.
[An aside... I know you like the analagy, but maybe its best to leave my uncle's situation for a little while. Its just over a couple of weeks and still a bit raw. His widow attempted to take her life over the weekend, which hasn't made things any better. Cheers. D.]