Ian, few climatologists will put the current erratic climate activity solely down to man-made global warming. La Nina, the current cooling the Pacific Ocean ie believed to be one of the biggest contributors to the last 10 years' behaviour. So to say people have already died with the same parallel to that of liver cirrhosis would be very far of the mark. I agree that the future prognosis of the pro-climate-change lobby is one of death and destruction, but there's nothing to date to evidence people dying of man-made climate change.
Its hard to know for sure that the cirrhosis that killed my uncle was alcohol induced but he did continue to drink small amounts socially over the last 4 years, a period when he was advised not to, and that meant whatever he did have was exacerbated. Not following the advice came home to roost. He was denied a liver transplant, in fact any kind of liver surgery [including implanting tissue donated by us his family], he was removed from the ICU, given a morphine pump and left to die. Didn't think 'decision morals' on a person's right to receive life saving teatment were a part of 21st medical practice, but they appear to be. Imagine a surgeon refusing to treat a gravely injured motorbike rider because he'd be riding too quickly ! Anyways, that's another debate.
Back to lighter matters... here's the original Fukker question :
" IF human existence causes climate change, then human existence has to be reduced not increased.
Let's say one person burning fossil fuels for one year causes damage of 100.
You're 56 years old and say you live for a further 21 years. If you continue the same burn rate as today, then you will create damage of 2,100. If you half it, you will create damage of 1,050. Pretty good until you consider this.
Mr. X up the street decides to have 3 kids. Each has a life expectancy of 77 years [actually it will probably be longer if they're born today]. If they're environmentally friendly and burn at half the rate, their existence will cause damage of 11,550 between them.
So, Mr. X's fukking will not only negate you climate consciousness... but exacerbate it by a factor of 10 !
IF you believe that humans are the cause... then you will need to properly address that cause... doing anything else will not work. "