itpro is causing pain to the minds of karters with all his utter rubbish so I think we should call for the removal of this pain and ban him from this forum.
Why are you campaining to ban the TT on a karting forum? Have you really nothing better to do? Can you not see that nobody on here supports your arguments? You talk about the so called pro TT brigade but this seems to be everyone on this KARTING forum. Yes there are others away from this forum who may wish to discuss your views and agree the TT should be banned. When there is death of any human this question will always be raised but generally there are no large campaigns to stop it just the odd one man band like yourself! ODD being the word I would like to emphasise most!
I will agree with a recent post of yours. Motorcycles are a dangerous form of transport. Many people choose not to ride motorcycles to work as they feel its too dangerous and the stats will support this in comparison to cars. To race motorcycles obviously increases the risk of death and to race on roads will again increase it more. I can only assume most people on here like racing and some is more dangerous than others. Such is life! What level do you decide is too dangerous? I know a father who won't let his child ride a push bike as he's too young and an incident is too likely. Most parents on here let thier kids race karts at 50mph but won't let them ride motorcross bikes as the risk of injury turns into an increased risk of death.
You like statistics so i'd be interested if you can dig up this one. Compare rally car driver deaths worldwide to the amount of road cars worldwide? Then compare Motorcycle road racing deaths to motorcycles worldwide. I'm sure not too dissimilar? Compare apples with at least something within the apple family!