Clearly, you and I are the 'fools' here. When there's someone pushing from behind, we DON'T behave like sheep...or should I say LEMMINGS*... unlike some! That clearly show how damned STUPID we are!
Having been in EXACTLY the same situation (without the disasterous results, though), I can tell you.... the was NO CHANCE ON THIS PLANET that I was going to PUSH along with the 'sheep'!
Yup... that did mean we were home MUCH later... but we made sure that we GOT home. I'd like to think we also improved the chances of those poor people in wheelchairs, too!
And yes, the police/organisers HAD signposted the 'exit'. However, we could see that getting X00,000 people though one or two pedestrian gates was NOT going to work. We had NOT noticed as we arrived anymore than the Police had worked out what would happen at the end of the night!
What we DIDN'T do, and still DON'T do, is IGNORE the facts that it WASN'T the police that were pushing us.... it was the rest of the PUBLIC (fans?) like ourselves!
If that's 'arrogant' (plus the rest of the UTTER CR*P) typed by that earlier D*CKH**D (whomever the TW*T was!)... then I plead GUILTY to NOT BEING A SHEEP! Why that's 'guilty', however, I DON'T understand but... perhaps, I have learned that if you are from Liverpool or a Football supporter of ANY sort... you must NEVER be criticised for ANYTHING.... but if you are POLICE.... it's ALWAYS your fault!
Errr... what happens if you are a Policeman who supports Liverpool...?
When you can show me it was the POLICE who did the pushing, I might change my mind!
* Yes, I DO know that the Lemmings story was a Disney fraudulent piece of filming!