More and more information is coming to light that makes this whole thing look like a publicity stunt to make Obama look strong. Buy it if you want!
Ex govt officials have stated on US television that the CIA knew Bin Laden was dead several years ago. Is this true?
If so who has been killed? Has anyone been killed? Where is the wife supposedly taken captive? You know the one Bin Laden used as a shield. Oops that's now been clarified, she ran at the soldier and he shot her. So when will she be allowed to speak or be interviewed to confirm what the president is saying is true? What charges will be brought against her? If no charges are brought when will she be free to speak? When they had Bin Laden cornered with live video did they ask the presidents permission to plug him?
Why was Obama talked in to using a new experimental stealth type helicopter on the mission with one failing? Or did it crash? Which version is correct? If it crashed why was none of the crew injured? Why when they say they destroyed the helicopter, important pieces of it's stealth like rotor mechanism wasn't destroyed for all the world to see?
Pieces of the helicopter have been photographed near the compound so why did the officials say the raid was delayed and another helicopter brought in to replace it?
Why do the photos of Bin Laden from the Toro Boro mountains show him immacuately turned out but the pictures from the compound look like it was a druggies squat? Aren't fanatical muslims supposed to wash and pray 5 times a day. Was it just a coincidence the Mirror ran a headline this week saying Bin Laden was high on dope and they where growing cannibis in the compound?
Questions, questions and more dam questions. A well it will all come out in the inquest won't it? Er No! That's another right we have in this country that the US, land of the free don't offer. God forbid they wouldn't want the truth or facts to ever come out.
Not all the Americans are buying this story you know. We Brits have to remain vigilant and keep our eyes open to what is being played out.
So who's next on your hit list? Any kart drivers you don't like that need some summary justice! Perhaps we should keep a gun in the car and plug the white van drivers who tail get us every morning!
In the end it doesn't matter what your or my opinion is. In this country we have what is called the "Rule of Law". Everyone including our politicians is subject to it.
If you don't like it I suggest you take the next boat to Masrata in Libya. You'll never achieve the lawless state you are advocating in Britain so go where your views will fit in.