Every response so far is based on what you have been "fed" by the media over the last ten years. You have been "conditioned" to think that way so I am in no way surprised by your responses.
Everything you are stating is based on assumptions, presumptions and the fog of war.
How do you know it was Bin Laden that's been killed?
Other than being told he's the master mind what evidence do you have to verify this?
The Al Qaeda name was coined by the Americans which he subsequently adopted. Why?
If he was so popular and significant why has the muslim world hardly blinked an eye lid?
These are just a sample of the questions I would like answers to.
You may want to live in a country where the leader watching a tv screen of the action can act as judge, jury and executioner. I do not.
My post also aims to highlight the differences between the British and American approaches and how out of touch that countries leaderhip now is or the lengths it will go to to get reelected! As I said I have no doubt previous British PM's have santioned enemies to be taken out. But they would never admit to it nor should we expect them to.
Obama has crossed a line and I believe it will haunt him.
Just because I think this way doesn't mean I am unsympathetic to the lives lost on 9/11 or any other terrorist atrocity. No question, the people involved deserve the death penalty but it is the manner in which that is effected that distinquishes a civilised from a barbaric society.
The nazis conducted the worst atrocities in the 20th century with the death toll measured in tens of millions. So after the war did the American's and British troops go round plugging the known hencemen on the spot?
No they didn't. They captured them and conducted the Nuremburg trial and the evidence was presented in open court and then one by one they were found guilty and hung.
You are free to support us evovling to despotic government and on the spot summary justice. But then one day when it is someone you know or your son, daughter or brother who is accidently mistaken and receives the type of on the spot despatching you agree with then perhaps you will "think" differently.