Although I am with you, Chad, on the almost impossibility of a 'nuclear bomb' typre reaction from the Japan situation, you are not correct on the 'damage' done by the Tsunami (or Tsunamis). So far, the death total attributed to the Earthquake+'Waves' is around 10,000: that could leap to 100,000. The Hiroshima and Nagasaki death tolls were soemwhere around 250,000 to 500,000.... no one seems to agree on the figures, hence the huge range.
Damage to property is another matter: we just don't know, yet.
In case of confusion, I would have dropped both bombs on Japan and as many as were required (had we USA had any opthers left!) to get Japan to surrender and prevent Russia over-running 'the east'. I don't want anyone thinking I stand against those actions, any more than I stand against Air Marshall Arthur Harris, who was ALSO 100% right!
On another matter, is a 'single wave' of a Tsunami event called 'a Tsunami' or is the combination of 5,6,7,8,9,etc., waves within the event called a Tsunami?
I am sure this sort of confusion has cost many lives. People describe the event as 'a Tsunami'. Until the Boxing Day event, I assumed it was a SINGLE wave. Having now seen the truth, I know it's NOT! However, had I been living there and been warned a Tsunami was coming, and I'd managed to live through the first wave, I would have assumed it was safe to 'go back' and would have copped it from the 2nd, 3rd and so on! If Tsunami does NOT mean 'a collection of waves' then I think the media are increasing the risks by using a 'Singular' term to describe a 'Multiple' event. I wish this was being made clear.