The inconsiderate blocker should have had their car crushed and been billed for it too and paid the old chap compensation. THAT'S how it SHOULD work!
I had a bloke park on the front parking of my building one night and I told him to move it.
He gave me abuse and walked off.
I opened his car, (misspent youth I'm afraid) lifted the bonnet, removed the electrical system, plugs leads, distributer etc and threw them in the graveyard next door then carefully locked up his car again.
The car was gone the next morning and I would love to have seen his face!
Others I opened and just rolled them back into the road with an incredibly sticky notice across the windscreen.
They used to do it to avoid a 20p parking fee or, as was often the case, the car was untaxed, so I had no sympathy with them.
I paid the rates so I decided who parked on my land.
There wasn't any notice telling them it was private, it was just very obvious to anyone who tried to park there that it was private and they shouldn't do it, or suffer the consequences. Four flat tyres and no valve cores is SO inconvenient at 7 0/c at night :) Kids eh?
Some called the police and they used to say the car had been damaged but as there was never any visual damage and it was private land, they got sent off with a flea in their ear, civil matter mate and the police weren't interested anyway and agreed with me.