Odd questions......
On the FIRST...... I have been FORCED to do EXACTLY that on my Cobra Alarm immobilizer in the Impreza when water from pressure/seatm washing the engine bay made it cut the engine on certain corners (through 'shloshing'). It's a total PUSHOVER to disable!
The second.... I can't answer.... you KNOW I do software work for banks...!
RFID does NOT work, see my replies to David. They are the EASIEST to defeat...... and I gave David the SIMPLEST method to defeat it!
GPS is NOT national and it is NOT instantaneous! What do you SET the 'speed limiter' to if it loses the signal or the user chooses to 'COVER' (obscure) the 'aerial' while in a 70mph limit?
MuniFi is a TOTAL non-starter!
You are WRONG on both counts of COST! Surely you KNOW I have been working on the privatisation of the Speed Camreas system for a consortium for about EIGHT YEARS NOW!
I can TELL you what the cost of your machines per car would be..... they come out ABOVE £500 per car and probably nearer to £1,000 per car. Knowing Govt. schemes, that measn it would come out nearer £1,500 to TWO THOUSAND POUNDS per car. This covers all the known (device, fitting, service, checking, monitoring, enforcement, infrastructure, legal and insurance costs) and anticipated costs which you have NOT considered!
The system you propse, so far, is DEFINITELY not practical NOR affordable!