Go and read your HISTORY..... don't take it from FILMS!
Gladiators were NOT slaves! They were HIGHLY paid 'artisans/sportsmen', probably closer to modern F1 drivers.... Of course, if you count Lewis as a 'slave', then you MIGHT be right......!
Yup.... insisting on crash helmets and seat belts DOES count as, to use YOUR word... 'dictatorial'......
Please confirm you want such 'dictatorial' rules REMOVED so we may get back to the PURITY of racing showed at the TT.......
I here the Spartans are looking for a new leader.... shame you are VASTLY too right-wing for them or we could have ended up as political opposition to each other! Oh.... and my dad could beat YOUR dad...... ner ner ne ner nerrrrrr! Well..... that's the level of YOUR argument about 'Labour'!