Ohhh Alan.....
Your limited understanding of computers AND of business is showing again.....
Apple have ONLY overtaken Microsoft in ONE 'class'.... and that is thaty they are the highest VALUE techno company..... they are NOT the LARGEST, MOST PROFITABLE, Most Successful or any OTHER VALUE judgement. You have to remember, Apple ARE a manufacturing company whereas Microsoft, broadly ... are NOT.....
..... actually.... that's not QUITE true.... they also appear to have the highest number of SUICIDES amongst the poor little Chinese B*GG*RS who WORK for them ..... 14 and rising.... if we are to believe the figures....
Mr 'Carring' Jobs stated.... 'I've seen the factories and they even have CANTEENS ans SWIMMING pools'.... shame the poor b*gg*rs MISSED the pool when they LANDED after jumping off the roof.....!
Nice, caring company: Apple.....
What's it like, knowing you support and promote 'sweat shop labour'?