I love the simple elegancy of that suggestion: "Abolish Cash" but, in truth, that one is BOUND to fail (sadly). We'd all find wasy to 'trade' using something 'unofficial'. E.g., in Dubai. there really IS a cash machine which delivers micro-block of SOLID GOLD:-
I don't know if you noticed but Britain has now banned the 'release' of 500 Euro Notes last week as they are drug-dealer's favourite demonitation. You can get E20,000 into a cigarette packet. Banning cash would mean that people would use the Euro.... or Dollars..... : we'd need to ban those, too!
We only accept the government near monopoly on issuing 'cash' while it's convenient; if the govt. stopped doing so, we'd use something else.
For your interest, did you know the REASON why we (err.... us older..... more educated..... people..... tee hee!) use the phrase: 'as rich a Croessus'? The reason is that King Croessus is creditted with INVENTING the idea of 'coinage' by backing the 'currency'. The 'stamp' (effectively a 'seal') of his 'head' on the coin was a 'guarantee' that it WAS a certain weight and it WAS a ceratin quality. It became effectively the first 'secure' trading system and he reaped a FORTUNE from the world.....