Changing tack a bit here:
The choice today is pretty damn clear: vote for nasty medicine now (Conservative parliamentary majority) or the IMF and even nastier medicine in a few weeks’ time at the latest (any other composition of the Commons).
While the answer should be a no-brainer, there is I think one good that could come out of the latter – albeit at one hell of a price. I’ll illustrate:
My eldest daughter is now eligible to vote for the first time, and my wife and I are determined to drag her kicking and screaming if necessary to the polling station for this initiation. The problem is this: To the question “who should I vote for” the only honest answer is “it doesn’t make the slightest bit of difference” and “you’re doing this only for the experience”. That’s because we live in a very “safe seat” where no electioneering ever happens by any party. Our votes do not count; the result is given and the incumbent no doubt has a nice, easy life. Ours are not among the roughly 200,000 votes in this country that actually do count. That too is plain wrong.