You are making a bit of a silly assumption, as is 'Mike'.
The American, like the French, also have a 'political class'. They are drawn from the Elite Universities (Harvard, Princeton, Yale, etc. for the Americand and the Ecole Nationale d'Administration, or Ena etc. for the French). In BOTH cases, only the VERY rich get there and thus, THEIR political system looks a HELL of a lot like ours. They use Harvard and ENA wheras we use Oxford and Cambridge.....
But.... more 'non-Elite' kids actually get into Oxford and Cambridge than get into Harvard etc..
Don't get me wrong, all three countries' systems are far too biased but the idea that the Yanks do it BETTER than us misses exactly how the Yanks do it! And that's my point! Our system may NOT be good but it's VASTLY better than the system which gave us George Bush! Blair was APPALLING...... but not as bad as BUSH!