Davy, you really are NOT that thick, are you? I know that Singers will only be convinced when there is a daily, slow and steady rise in temp, rain, wind etc.. Surely, even YOU realise that it will NEVER be like that. What we'll see is, exactly as predicted and exactly what we ARE seeing: an increase in severe weather conditions when studied in periods of 5, 10 or 20 years.
I am very sorry that the chaotic (look up the REAL meaning of that word) nature of the weather doesn't do the steady, smooth rise in changes that you'd like. I'll be even more sorry then the chaotic events kill even more people because it won't be a steady rise in deaths, either!
Only an IMBECILE would claim a single event could be PROVEN to be 'caused' by Global Warming! One would have to wonder if the same word can be used to describe someone who EXPECTS 'scientists' (tee hee!) to claim that, EVER!
Just think about it! When Spring arrives, do you expect each day to be STEADILY warmer, steadily less windy, steadily sunnier, etc., or do expect it to happen in fits-and-starts? If it doesn't come steadily, do you imagine that the Summer will NEVER come? Why, in god's NAME, would you expect Global Warming to do that? This is about the WEATHER and it behaves 'chaotically'!