The man who STARTED this thread with a 'Don't Vote' call is THREATENING me with a: 'Perhaps this will MAKE people vote' comment.
Usually, I'd HOWL if someone described that as 'Ironic' as 'irony' MUST not contain a human PLAN to be funny (unlike sarcasm) but in THIS case, this really IS 'IRONIC'. You never PLANNED to be so funny so 'Irony' IS the right concept here!
My down right ABUSIVE initial message MIGHT be seen as a way of CHALLENGING you (and others) INTO voting! Did you not think that I MIGHT want you to vote?
God knows IF you have the IQ to see WHY you should vote but my wildest dreams would be fulfilled if I have managed to get just TWO more people to vote!
I absolutely REVEL in the walk to and from the polling station! I *K*N*O*W* what an HONOUR it is to be ALLOWED to vote and I also have SOME idea of the pain and death and LOSS that people in THIS country suffered to GET and *K*E*E*P* the right to vote. I am painfully aware of those poor B*ST*RDS all around this world who similarly are willing to risk DEATH to GET the right to vote! To FAIL to vote is to sneer at and to MOCK the truly brave of this world who FOUGHT for MY right to vote! To FAIL to vote is to dishonour those who DIED for that right!
I suspect you don't have such feelings; I need hardly say how that makes me feel about you!