"I would much rather have cheap food then good food."
I shall ponder that.....
Normally, I would riducule and abuse you for something THAT daft.... but I do respect you so I shall think about it before I get angry.....
If intelligent young men like you think such things, then my genertaion has failed more deeply and more critically than we ever imagined in our worst NIGHTMARES. Luckily, my children, their friends and their colleagues and friends don't feel like you.
Can I just ask, do you feel like that about ALL the 'pleasures' of being civilised? Do you prefer:-
* Cheap beer to good beer? Does that extend to drinking White Lightning and Lidl own-brand cider? * Cheap cars rather than GOOD cars? * Cheap Karts and Engines rather than SUPERB kit? I'll pass your answer to Simon on that one.... * a Cheap HEALTH SERVICE rather than a GOOD health service. * Cheap ROADS rather than GOOD roads * a Cheap POLICE FORCE/ArmednForces rather than GOOD ones? * a Cheap JUSTICE system rather than a GOOD, DECENT and FAIR system?
.... or is it just that you have yet to gain 'taste' in food and feel that a MacDonalds actually COUNTS as 'food' and not just FUEL?