If this was a senisible conversation about 'world morals', 'racism', bigotry etc., then I might join your side on this point. However, as you ALL know I have never MET Jean (nor that old B*ST*RD, Enzo!), I would have thought you would have realised this is more like a late night 'drunks' view.
However...... it HAS to be said that ANY German who WORE a Swastika and marched up and down helping Hitler try to complete his evil tasks probably DOES deserve to be called as Nazi.
On the same basis, the bloke who WORE FIAt colours, ACTED on behalf of FIAt, RIGGED the RACING WORLD on behalf of FIAt and who undoubtably has PLANS to F*U*R*T*H*E*R rig the REMAINDER of the F.I.A. to MAKE the HOPELESS FIAt company have ANY cahnce of winniong.... probably DOES deserve to be thought of as a FIAt STOOGE!
He's left to make it LOOK as though the NEXT leader of the FIA is NOT in FIAt's pay..... That's a BIT like Joseph Fritzl hoping to thought of as a 'nice' guy simply by wearing a Nun's HABIT!
We know EXACTLY what Jen will do WHEWN he gets the leadership that his B*O*S*S*E*S are RIGGING for him!
Once a RED..... always a RED!