The problem with prison is that a lot of the time they are better off inside than out. 3 meals a day,a roof over their head,no bills, laundry done for them, Playstations etc provided FOC, free medical and dental etc etc etc:
The prison system should be reformed in the opposite way to what the Prison reform groups often advocate,get a load of 40ft containers stack them high in the middle of Salisbury Plain, Dartmoor and other bleak places. Put up metal partitions and make 4 man dorms at 8feet wide with bunk beds, a little log burner and no electric.Do their own washing etc. And the Coup de Grace, we actually make them pay for their keep via work,no work no food,simple ( Squeak ! damn those meerkats get everywhere). Six months in there and few will want to return. And if any bleeding hearts say it's too harsh,remind them it wasn't so very long ago when British Servicemen lived in similar accomodation.
As Ian points out he probably wouldn't take much notice of a ban, knowing the area he lives in he "probably" doesn't work and likewise is "probably" a drug user and known to the Police already, sorry Lymington rd's older residents but that's what your area has become famous for, do we waste our time trying to teach him the error of his ways or bang him up and do hard time?? I know which I think will have more effect .
Another thing Ian lots of Traffic cars are now fitted with ANPR and as far as I am aware all Insurers now supply details to the DVLA/PNC database, so there is no longer any call for disc's to prove insurance etc. They get stolen from bikes anyway as per RFL disc's and my parking ticket in Newbury !!!!