"If the site hasn't been developed with Safari in mind...."
I see..... because the web site developer creates the site for the VAST mass of the browsers out there.... it's all THEIR fault that a JOKE company's attempt at 'me too' software fails to work with PROPER software.....
Talk about: '...everybody is out of step but Jim'!
Perhaps I can put this into perspective by making a similarly BIZARRE and LUDICRUOUS claim to the Mac-Loony's claim:-
My TeasMade (1950s bed-side tea maker) is THE best Browser..... so long as everybody writes their web site to suit MY TeasMade..... Sadly.... not everybody DOES....!
Let's put Steve's anwser in to a REAL perspective....
Why in God's name would you EXPECT a piece of software that's been optimised to work on the VAST majority of Web Browsers (i.e.:- IE [Tee hee!]) to WORK AT ALL on an 'also ran', poor copy of IE (I.e.:- Safari) by a company that has yet to master writing ANY sofwtare?????
If you INSIST on running Safari.... it's NOT going to work... is it!