You are damned RIGHT: I AM an elitists and BL**DY proud of it! I am one of those people who believe that the status of 'role model' is gained by those who have DONE something WORTHY! What IS this magic thing which Jade has ACCOMPLISHED????
Her plight as a cancer victim is sad but NO more sad than for any OTHER poor S*D who has developed cancer! It does NOT make her a 'role model'! It makes her a VICTIM like millions of OTHER people! And no 'better' because of it than ALL of the OTHERS who have NOT been gifted a FORTUNE for THEIR kids because they were loud-mouths on an APPALLING TV TRASH SHOW!
Had she done ONE thing in here life which EARNED credit that lifted her out of the ordinary, then PERHAPS she might BE a role model. Would you like to LIST just ONE thing she has DONE (N.B. 'Done' not 'BEEN') that MAKES her MORE worthy than the rest? Like the rest of us, I have done NOTHING which makes ME special and so, just like Jade, I am no role model, EITHER!
You have confused feeling SORRY for her plight with her having DONE something that DESERVES being a role model!
Or are you suggesting we should feel she has made great sacrifice finally getting married AFTER she had the kids! How strange that marriage suddenly becomes important, now!
Or should I have said: 'SALEABLE'!?
Make no mistake, I feel VASTLY sorry for the poor c** but not ONE OUNCE MORE than for all the OTHER cancer victims for which I do NOT see YOU claiming 'role model' status! Her kids, on the other hand........
You seem to see HER plight as more worthy than other people's JUST because she appeared on a GAME SHOW! The rest of us, DON'T!
Finally some people seem to be confused that I CARE what she was EDITED to make appear that she HAD said about some OTHER mindless (non) 'celebrity'. Let me make it plain: I could not give a T*** what the editors WANTED you to think she said!
For those of you who understand this stuff: Sir Joseph Bazalgette spent his life pumping SH*T OUT of people's houses, his great-grandson, Peter, has spent HIS life pumping SH*T INTO them!