Ian and the rest
yes it is lovely to spend time with your off spring.....my 10 week old little lady would love me to spend more time with her but i have a job to do and services need to be maintained
closing a school has massive effects on the parents (current policy is both parents should try to work once kids reach school age)
came into work today to be greeted with 60 schools that are closed, 2 of which i drove past on my way to work, yes some pupils may not have made it in but talking to the parents on my round today and 2 of my ex teachers, none could understand why the school was closed....and the other 7999 schools where closed
we have a staff of 56, 8 where missing today due to child care issues....not their fault but the work needs doing and the guys and girls who turned up had to take up the slack, instead of 4 hours out in the snow some where doing 6 hours.........the 8 missing have lost 2 days pay now and maybe more,snow ball fights lose their enjoyment when you are losing 1,2,3 days pay
services need to be maintained, nurses, police etc are parents and dont treat schools as babysitters but base their shifts around them, it is the only way they can do the jobs they do and be parents
if it is safe to get kids to schools then the schools should be open to accept them so the workers can carry on keeping the country running
or should like you suggested Ian, take off time until the snow goes.......
Ian you post was so wrong i thought your ukk account had been hacked, dont agree with most of your posts but understand and respect the thinking behind them...this time it was devoid of any bigger picture you normally see
was my nans birthday today, 88 year old and lived in london through the Blitz, 5 months into carrying my mother walked nearly 10 miles to get to the ammo factory.....why, the country needed her and she needed the money
we need more grit on the roads but also need more grit from the workers and that includes people in charge of the schools, give up attiude is not good for the country or our kids
should some of the schools closed, yes, should all of them, no.......
as my nan said, germany never broke us but seems mother nature can and didnt even need to chuck much at us, sad day