You list TWO failures (and you are short by MANY but... what the hell)
So WHICH of those two were NOT examples of the 'title': "we should let the rich get RICHER"?
What sort of IMBECILE thinks I would be howling for MORE SOCIALISM????
My point is that YOU lot are walking through life IN BLINDFOLDS! We have ARRIVED at the D*I*S*A*S*T*E*R simple BECAUSE we LET the "Rich get Richer" with NO control on their INSANITY!!
You missed the OBVIOUS part! We have arrived here BECAUSE we allowed the PUBLIC to borrow ANY sum of money that they WANTED! Had we removed even MORE regulations, the banks would have been offering MORE, money EVEN MORE CHEAPLY! The very LIMITED monetary controls on the banks REDUCED their ability to offer LOWER rate loans! And you two are suggesting that the banks/public would have behaved BETTER if there were LESS CONTROLS! Are you MAD??????
I lived THROUGH the madness of the 1970s and I KNOW that socialism does NOT work! I have now lived through the INSANITY of the 2000s and, if ever I needed PROOF that UNBRIDLED CAPITALISM also does NOT work, I have GOT it.... IN SPADES!!!
Insane socialism nearly destroyed us in the 1970s and we (Margaret!) STOPPED that. We have NOW seen EXACTLY what happens if you let naked capitalism run riot...... and YOU lot suggest the 'cure' would be to REDUCE the regulations even FURTHER! That's as INSANE as saying: ' I burned my hand on the kettle so I'll put it in a FURNACE because it's even HOTTER!!