There simply isn't the space/ weight for such a system. Coupled with the fact that this also has further implications.
These systems already take a large chunk of valuable ballast & fuel volume. To the extent that many teams may not run KERS purely because of the detrimental effect on car balance or they may even be pushed over the weight limit.
Most importantly, how can you discharge 400kJ (for example into a braking resistor) over a short enough period to allow the system to be safe enough by the time a marshal attends an accident. Say it was over 3s? You are talking about the equivalent energy release of about a hundred bar fires!!
The reality is that these cars will potentially be in a 'charged' state when a marshal attends an incident and I just hope we back away from this rediculously flawed concept before someone is seriously hurt or worse.
The battery systems will have contact breakers to isolate the cells, but they will still potentially be charged. The flywheel systems will still be spinning, hence dangling gyroscopes on a crane!
Energy recovery will be key in the future development of more efficient road cars. These dumbed down, expensive, dangerous and environmentally unfriendly systems are NOT road relevant.