I've read it! EXACTLY as I predicted:- no published evidence WHATSOEVER has been produced on the subject!
If you note, the ONLY place where they list how the changes will help is with the front wheel to rear wheel impact....... which ANY British, pre-wide-bumper Karter will tell you is the LEAST common incident to cause a 'turn over'! In the video I posted to for John.... it was the INTERLOCK which caused most of the turn overs and that was EXACTLY what PROPER nerf bars PREVENTED (reduced!)! Turn-overs are most commonly caused when two DRIVEN wheels interlock! The front and rear wheel 'collision' usually has less effect as the front wheel offers no roating-resistance to the driven rear wheel. However, two DRIVEN rear wheels coliding, HURLS the 'losing' kart into the air!
However, I am delighted to see that you support my initial complaint that John was simply WRONG about hsi statement on Plastics!