Well...... transferring the files is possible but there is a LOT more to it for many programs. You'll need to alter the Register as well and that is NOT so much fun.
Some programs WILL 'transfer', others won't without a LOT of work.
It's probably easier to fix the CDs
Cds that are commercially produced have the 'data layer' coated with a quite thick layer of clear plastic 'sealer'. CDs that are 'written' by a pc do NOT! You CANNOT resurrect the 'blue surface' type (Writables and/or ReWritables) by the following technique.
So... if it's a commerial 'sealed' CD, it's probably that it's only the clear seal layer that is scratched and you can very easy REMOVE those scratches.
Almost all types of polish have an abrasive in them. The size of the abrasive particles control the amount of hard work you need to do to make it work,..... and the smoothness of the finish! You need very good smoothness! So.... using Jif (Cif) is NOT a good idea as the particles are too large!
So, get something like SolVolAutoSol paste or Silver Polish (Duraglit etc.) and polish the WORKING side of the disks until the scratch has all but disappeared. If it still doesn't work, continue polishing until it DOES. The basis is that, if the scratch is through to the data surface, it's a write-off anyway so going too far will NOT make it worse. Just keep polishing and testing... it can't make it worse.
The last option is to send the disk back to the manufacturer and asking them for a replacement.