My feeling is the honda class tech regs have never been so tight and controlled, if you lay out the V12 regs against the TKM regs, there are many similarities, its now more of a fiche for sure, and it has leveled the playing field a great deal in 2017 for the people that are legit - COUGH!......but as with all regulations there are some legal loopholes for people to legally exploit, this is nothing unique to the honda regs, you just need to be able to spot them ;-)
I feel many people take cadet racing far far too seriously, get sucked into spending far too much money, and travel around the country far too much......for me cadets is just a local proving ground for the my son to develop and hone his basic driving and race-craft skills, and we are having great fun doing it.
People are quick to label the people at the front as having big wallets, but when you scratch the surface, they work their backsides off when away from the track, its all about dedication and commitment of both the driver and team.......I have told a few people the physical exercise regime my son puts himself through 4 days before a race weekend, and many/most people just say: "ah we dont do anything"......for the cadets upper body strength and physical durability is a key speed differentiator, and it costs NOTHING......its not all about money.