I'm aware there aren't all that many left in the UK, but I'm looking at building our grid back up here in the Isle of Man. We are running non-MSA next year and if all the locals come out to play we will be looking at grids of 12+
I know there are a few up in Scotland but just thought I'd see who else is out there that I'm not already aware of to see if there would be much interest in a big race weekend (a non-MSA 4 stroke TKM festival if you like)
Despite being non-MSA, engines still have to be sealed, tyres are maxxis and the weights are the same, with us likely to introduce a 177 heavy class. Only thing we are doing different really atm is allowing juniors and seniors to run in the one class on whatever weight limit/restrictor they want as at our track at least, there is no noticeable difference in laptimes.
If you're not interested in racing, but have any TKM gear you are wanting to sell, please let me know as I may be able to find someone to take it off your hands