ok, if you talk in terms of UFO's dyno readings a strong clubman is in the region of 7.5hp to 7.8hp........on RPM's dyno this equates to 5.5hp to 5.8hp.......this does not cover the average power, but is a good indicator of overall performance.......ours clubman engine has 7.5hp and last year came second in the buckmore clubman O-plate in the hands of Josh King, and was considered "big" clubman engine in late 2013.....this year we get blown away by all the latest clubman engines, but we still get respectable results and are now solid mid-fielders......I knew my son was on a steep learning curve, so I thought no point in buying everyones engine until his driving technique was sorted.......so I put the money into testing bum time and driver tuition, and it has started to pay off a treat.
when the time is right, as a father you need to know when to put your ego to one side and reaize your lad will need some driver tuition, changing the engine will only change so much, but if your lad has bad driving habits and a bad racing line, you will always be on the back foot, no matter what engine performance you have.
Dogman172 - rest assured our new engine is legit! we will be doing the last round at Rye, so I will say hello, we run with BAB.....I'm well aware of all the current engine builder legality gossip ;-)