Before we try and help, first we must figure out which engine you have. Pretty much everyone gets confused here, right from the off :)
The 'swissauto 250' and 'sa250' are two different engines. They are/were made by the same company, but the sa250 is the original, older engine called a Biland SA250 and the SwissAuto they're later newer re-design.
Have you got a twin cylinder Biland, or a single cylinder SwissAuto 250?
My first port of call would be to check out your clutch and make sure that's all in good standing. As a rule of thumb for me i never just nail the throttle when i pull my Biland off the dummy grid from a standing start as it destroys the clutch if you just nail it.
Next would probably be to check your carb settings to see if you've got it running too lean/rich and doesn't like the sudden dump of air when you nail it. Although if you've got a SwissAuto then it should have a PHF30 carburettor with a pump jet to overcome this when you nail the throttle.
If all that's all alright, it could be down to something simple like a broken plug, try a new one maybe? there only a tenner. Have you checked all the earths and wiring on the engine to ensure nothings broken/earthing out etc?
Hope this helps, Thomas................