I would predict the grids will grow this year and even more so next, its already created a boom which will go on for years, ita revived Prokarts, everyone is excitwd, EPEC looked exciting almost as much as F1 this season with the rule changes, It really has mixed it up. Even Warden Law has shown it too, with Mark Brown putting a good show on the new Extreems.
People.like it some people dont, but at the end of the day action speaks louder than words, and so far there has been alot of action on the track with alot of EXTREEMS racing, and bigger grids than over the past few seasons.
I still cant understand the fact people dont realise there are still GX160 grids out there to race, and no one is been force fed an EXTREEM!
Great post by Welshy, i have to agree it has been bliss without Brian P, must have been working on his new EBOOK on Monopolys :-D