Standard swissauto (one word) puts out 35hp - - as do all comparables. Wonder if aixro XR30 restriction needs to be eased a little for a closer match. At the moment it’s set up as a close match for Rotax, not a standard SA250.
“thats just political crap from the MSA as (put crudely) no 4stroke under MSA regulations can have more than 30hp...”
Can’t be bothered to dig up the info right now, but I seem to recall that that outrageously biased clause was actually removed not so long ago.
The fact remains, however, that for some people 4-stroke benefits from outsider status – be it under the MSA banner like F6 or in IKR. That's because, as Thomas has described well, drivers race for fun, not to win at all cost.
F6 sounds good. It just needs to ditch the MSA for some real growth :)